Router exploit kits are becoming more and more popular among cybercriminals, mostly targeting routers in Brazil, because many Brazilian routers are poorly secured with default and well known login credentials. Router exploit kits are usually distributed via malvertising webpages, and these...
Router exploit kits are very popular in Brazil, and late November we noticed a spike in the number of URLs blocked by Avast’s Web Shield. Taking a closer look, two landing pages, targeting Brazilians, hosting the GhostDNS router exploit kit used to carry out cross-site request forgery (CSRF)...
Intro Router exploit kits are nothing new in Brazil; a router exploit kit named GhostDNS was discovered by Netlab360 in the fall of 2018, showing more than 100K infected SOHO routers. Novidade and other variants of the GhostDNS exploit kit have also been pretty active this year, and Avast has...