We discovered that the Download Studio torrent client and three adblockers surreptitiously deployed the FakeMBAM backdoor through automatic updates. We reverse engineered this backdoor and describe its inner workings in this blog post.
As the COVID-19 lockdown forced people to stay home more than usual, an increasing number started looking for in-house entertainment. People have been playing their old Gameboys, finishing games from Steam sales, or even starting to look into ways to play games on their PlayStations for free. ...
We turned a coffee maker into a dangerous machine asking for ransom by modifying the maker’s firmware. While we could, could someone else do it too?
I tested the level of account security of 10 different IP security cameras I found on Amazon’s “hot new releases” and “best sellers” categories Introduction When the COVID-19 pandemic spread across Europe, I, like many others, was forced to work from home. While at home, I tried to find...
For some time now, we’ve been monitoring a new strain of malicious programs that we are referring to as "Meh". It all started when we came across large amounts of files with randomly generated strings at their beginning, followed by a compiled AutoIt script… and what a ride it has been since.
How are 5G, DVB-T2 and a protocol from 1969 connected?
5G is an exciting new communications standard that will allow 1Gbps speed of data transmission and a delay as low as 1ms, along with other cool features like ‘the edge’.
I recently discovered a large campaign of HiddenAds on the Google Play Store, spreading via gaming apps. The initial discovery was made through an apklab.io automated detection that was based on similar features of a previous HiddenAds campaign that was present on the Play Store. Upon further...
Last time you heard that there are many GPS trackers unsecured and available on the internet. But that was just a glimpse of the issue and one particular vendor. Join me on my journey to the place where the rabbit hole leads.
Router exploit kits are becoming more and more popular among cybercriminals, mostly targeting routers in Brazil, because many Brazilian routers are poorly secured with default and well known login credentials. Router exploit kits are usually distributed via malvertising webpages, and these...